George Lockhart explains the simple solution to keeping your weight and nutrition under control

George Lockhart - Manuka Doctor Guest Author
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Best-known for his work with boxers Tyson Fury, Joseph Parker and UFC Champ Conor McGregor, Lockhart has coached over 100 UFC fighters in nutrition and weight management. His novel approach to food, dieting and cutting weight has proven results and drastically changed the world of boxing and martial arts.

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“Sometimes it's the most obvious things, staring us right in the face, that we completely miss.”

I’m lucky in that I’m working with guys who are at the top top level.

Some people think because they’re at the top of their game, they must be doing some crazy advanced stuff when it comes to diet and weight loss.

Let me tell you, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

In actual fact, the solution to keeping your weight and nutrition under control is so simple.

A lot of people on a training plan think 'I've got to cut back on my food' and what they do is they only eat when they're hungry.

They're like 'I'm motivated and I want to lose weight and I'm driven and this is what I want to do' and they deprive themselves as long as they can and try and fool themselves into thinking they’re NOT hungry, so they don’t need to eat.

Well I can tell you now. If you don’t eat, all of a sudden all your hormones and everything else just take over and before you know it you're starving.

And I mean so starving that you won’t be able to concentrate on anything else.

You’ll get back to your house and suddenly those nachos and sandwiches and leftover pizza look real good and before you know it, eating everything under the sun. You're no longer in control of your hunger. I bet some of you reading this have experienced this.

So when we work with people – especially those who are leading up to a fight - we say ‘Are you hungry? No? Good.’ because that's the perfect time to eat.

I know it sounds ridiculously simple. But it makes so much sense.

Think about it.

You’ll eat so well when you're not hungry. Why? Because you're in control of your hunger - not only in control of how much you eat, but also what you eat.

If you’re not really hungry then that salad, those vegetables or the fruit all seem fine. You don’t care as much because you’re not hungry. Portion control is easier, balanced diet is easier, no sugar is easy.

Here at this camp, I’m always way ahead of the game when it comes to hunger. Everyone’s eating well every day and hunger isn’t an issue.

You may be surprised to hear but NOBODY cheats on meals here. I mean can you imagine the stick you’d get from Tyson if you did?

It’s all about staying ahead of the hunger - that's the biggest thing I can tell you.

You've got to remove the struggle, don't fight the struggle.

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