Workout Tips: This Personal Trainer Swears by Manuka Honey

Claire leads our Product Development Team, ensuring that our products are truly natural and effective. With more than 20 years experience in the health and beauty industry, she is one of the industry’s most experienced Manuka Honey Experts.

  • Personal Trainer swears by Manuka honey
  • Read her top tips and recipes
  • And why Manuka could help your workout

Those into fitness will already know that Manuka honey offers a great natural alternative to mass-produced sports supplements. 

While sports gels and drinks are often sweet concoctions full of artificial ingredients, genuine Manuka offers a truly natural muscle food for pre-workout or recovery!

And now there is a growing fan base of fitness fans who use Manuka Doctor honey as part of their workout regimes and training.

One of these adopters is Midlands based PT Hannah from Hinckley.

Going by the name of HanFit on Instagram, Hannah told us:

“It’s easily been over a year since I started using Manuka Doctor honey.

My morning ritual is usually either overnight oats, warmed up Weetabix or a protein yoghurt. Nowadays I always add a dollop of Manuka honey every morning, either with fruit, granola or a bit of dark chocolate.

I used to be someone who skipped breakfast but now I struggle to get moving if I’ve not eaten before 8am. It really is an essential part of getting your natural energy levels up and build your endurance engine!

I’ve also tried a teaspoon of Manuka honey in my coffee or green tea as a pre workout snack as I am working towards a competition later this year so keen to try the right fitness foods which might be able to help.”

Have you tried adding Manuka honey as part of a women’s fitness plan?

If so we’d love to hear about your recipes, pre or post workout snacks and meals.

Get in touch over on our Instagram page if you’d like to be featured on a future blog.

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